Friday, 31 March 2017

How Safe are Endurance Supplements?

If you are looking for supplements for endurance athletes, you need to look at the athletic supplement online retailer, Hammer Nutrition Europe. The following article gives you some good information on how safe these supplements are for you body.

supplements for endurance athletes

There are some supplements for endurance athletes that can benefit an athlete no matter what age you are currently at. If you are taking any type of endurance supplement, it is very important that no matter what age you are at, to make sure that the supplements are only taken according to the manufacturers’ recommendations. Supplements can benefit athletes that are on a poor or weight-reducing diet who may not be getting enough vitamins and/or minerals through their diet – these supplements will make sure you get the proper amount of vitamins and minerals that your body is craving is so disparately needs. You must make sure that you do not too large of a dose of vitamins and minerals because if you do take too much of a large dose of these vitamins and minerals, it can be toxic to your body. Iron deficiency is pretty common for endurance athletes, particularly for females that are menstruating. If you are iron deficit, it can greatly affect your performance by reducing the oxygen carrying capacity of your blood. On the other hand, too large of doses of iron can create imbalances in other minerals such as copper because of how high iron intakes inhibit copper absorption in the gut. High levels of iron can also increase your risk of cardiovascular disease – which can be a very serious problem.

Creatine has been shown to benefit repeated sprint-performance in sports such as team sports where sprints are interspersed with rest or recovery periods of low intensity such as soccer, basketball or hockey. Athletes are recommended to load with 20 to 25 grams each day over a period of five days. Then the athletes need to maintain one to two grams per day in order to maximize the benefits that they receive. While not often taken in larger doses, in those people susceptible to kidney problems, the loading phase and regular use may be not recommended, so care definitely needs to be taken if you have any kind of kidney problems.

Your kidney function may also be reduced in athletes that are taking more than 2.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day of protein. It is therefore recommended that the protein dosages of supplements for endurance athletes be between 0.8 to 1.6 grams per kilogram of body weight per day with possible larger doses of 2.0 grams per kilogram of body weight per day for high level endurance athletes that want to put on muscle mass through all of their different weight training that they are completely on a daily or weekly basis.

Caffeine has been shown to legally enhance endurance performance with minimal side effects when used in dosages of 3 to 6 milligrams per body weight. A higher dosage of caffeine is very well likely to result in nausea, dizziness, gut upsets and insomnia. Supplements for endurance athletes are safe but you must make sure you are not taking too much and only take what is recommended by the manufacturer.

Source: Click Here

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Sports Drinks during Long Runs

If you are looking for the Hammer HEED drink, you need to check out the online athletic supplement retailer Hammer Nutrition Europe. The following article talks about when and why you need are going to need to add a sports drink on your long-distance runs.

Hammer Heed drink


It is important to have proper hydration when running long distances for your own safety and performance. Athletic runners like you do need to know when you should drink sports drinks (such as Hammer HEED drink) and when plain old water is going to work for you. One thing is for sure, when you run for more than 90 minutes (especially when you are sweating), you should make sure to use an electrolyte-replacement sports drink.Depending on your running conditions, you may alternate the sports drink with water or switch to only sports drinks.

What is a Sports Drink?

Sports drinks, such as Hammer HEED drink, contain electrolytes such as sodium and potassium. When you are running, your body is going to be losing electrolytes through your sweat. If you are sweating a lot, you need to be drinking sports drinks. It is likely that you have seen salt stains on your running hat and tasted the salt in the sweat running down your cheeks – when you see this, it means you are sweating a lot and need to make sure that you are replenishing your body with the electrolytes it needs, such as the use with a sports drink. Electrolytes are what helps your body retain fluids and may prevent you from having muscle cramps. You need to drink sports drinks when you are running more than 90 minutes at one single time. You also need to make sure to take in more carb calories in order to maintain your effort when you are running more than 90 minutes at one time. By drinking a sports drink (such as Hammer HEED drink) you are providing your body with carbs and electrolytes that it so desperately needs.

Why Replace Electrolytes with a Sports Drink

If you do not correctly replace electrolytes during long runs, it can risk over-hydration.Hyponatremiacan occur when athletes drink an excessive amount of water and do not replace the salt that has been lost through their sweating. You should try to drink to thirst. If you are thirsty, you need to drink. If you drink when you are thirsty, it can help to prevent under-hydrating and over-hydrating.  When you are under-hydrated, it can lead to dehydration. When you are over over-hydrated, it can lead to low blood salt level due to abnormal fluid retention.

How Much to Drink During Running

You should drink 4 to 6 ounces of fluid (such as Hammer HEED drink) every 20 minutes when you are running. If you are running faster than 8-minute mile, you should drink 6 to 8 ounces every 20 minutes. During runs of more than 90 minutes, you can alternate between sports drinks (such as Hammer HEED drink) and water.

Source: Click Here

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Best of Energy Drinks

If you are looking for a Hammer energy drink, you need to check out the energy drinks that you can find at Hammer Nutrition Europe. The following article gives you all of the basic information you need to know about the energy drinks offered at Hammer Nutrition Europe.
hammer energy drink


The Hammer energy drink is the answer for anyone that is looking for a highly effective and healthy powdered sports drink. The energy drink has a subtle taste, has a complex carbohydrate formula that goes down easily and that is going to supply you with consistent, long-lasting energy and the electrolytes that you need in order to keep you pushing the extra pace you are trying to achieve. The Hammer energy drink is made with premium, natural ingredients and is precisely formulated to benefit your performance and health at the same time.

The Hammer energy drink is a step up and welcome departure from the endless number of powdered sports drinks available to endurance athletes. One of the primary flaws inherent with most of the sports drinks that are out there is their reliance on simple sugars as the carbohydrate source. The use of simple sugars not only limits the amount of calories that can be efficiently digested and utilized for energy, but they also cause wild fluctuations in your energy levels. The energy drink has a complex carbohydrate formula that allows you to obtain the ideal amount of calories you need and will provide you with a more consistent and longer lasting energy supply. The drink will not put you at risk for the stomach distress that is commonly caused by simple sugars.

The Hammer energy drink will provide you with a complete and easily assimilated electrolyte profile. For many athletes under normal conditions, one or two scoops will completely fulfill electrolyte requirements. So whenever a sports drink is your preferred choice, the Hammer energy drink is the only choice you need to make for your athletic endurance needs.


The Hammer energy drink comes in the following delicious flavors:
  • Strawberry
  • Melon
  • Mandarin Orange
  • Lemon-Lime
  • Unflavored
Sports drinks have been around for a long time, and for many athletes, they are more convenient than energy gels. Most of your sport drinks are not much more than artificially colored sugar water that does little to aid your performance and even less for your health but that is not what you find in the Hammer energy drink. With the drink, you get a subtle taste, complex carbohydrate formula that goes down easily and is going to supply you with consistent, long-lasting energy and the electrolytes that you need in order to keep pushing the pace. The sweeteners, stevia and xylitol in the drink are good for you. The amino acid-chelated electrolyte profile is going to helpsatisfy your body's mineral requirements. If you prefer sports drinks over energy gels, you should try the Hammer energy drink to find out what a sports drink done right can do for all of your athletic performance needs.

Source: Click Here

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Should Women Weightlifters Count Calories

If you are looking for recovery supplement for athletes, you need to check out all of the supplements that you can find at Hammer Nutrition Europe. The following article talks about if athletes should count calories. 



It is important that you measure the amount of calories that you eat. You need to be very wise about your dietary choices, including taking different recovery supplement for athletes to help your body recovery after you work out. If you count calories you are going to be able to maximize your performance and body composition for competition and sport.

What to Eat

It is important that you eat as much real, wholesome and non-processed foods as possible. You should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables in every meal that you eat. You should also try your best to avoid foods with unnecessary added sugars, refined fats or empty calories. You should use a food scale when measuring out all of your food, especially meat. You also want to measure out oats, rice, potatoes and fats. You should try to make sure that the protein you eat is something that you try to be consistent at every meal. You should try to eat very similar things everyday because consistency and routine is the best way that you are going to be able to monitor how much each and every day. You should also eat at very similar times in the day because you will very well likely get cranky and nervous if there is going to be too many hours between meals or if you eat too soon or too late around workouts. Also, make sure to take recovery supplements for athletes after your workouts. Always read food and nutrition labels on everything and use those to in order to gauge how much you should eat. It is important that you note on the nutrition labels things that you need to stay away from, such as extra additives, extra unneeded sugars and such. It is absolutely fine to allow yourself a treat every once in a while, such as a cookie, cupcake or a favorite special drink. If you do allow yourself to have a treat, you do need to make sure that you count it as part of your regular calorie intake for the day. You also do want to have off days where you just throw everything out the window from time to time. If you do this, it is important that you get right back on track the next day. It is okay to have one bad day but two in a row is got good because you definitely do not want to start some kind of pattern. If you are able to see the numbers in front of you as daily goals it is going to influence your decision making when it comes to picking the best foods for you to eat.

Why Count Calories

By monitoring your calorie intake you will know exactly how much you are eating and you will be able to worry less about food being the reason why your workouts are going to would suffer on any given day. Also after your workout, make sure to take recovery supplements for athletes to help your body recover.

Source: Click Here.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Cycling Workouts to Get Faster

If you are looking for endurance supplements for cyclist, you need to look into the many different athletic supplements that you can find at Hammer Nutrition Europe. The following articles talks about cycling workouts that you can complete to help you get faster on your bicycle.


If you want to get faster on your bicycle, you are going to need work hard. When you work hard, you are going to want to make sure that you are taking endurance supplements for cyclists as part of your workout regimen. When you work out, it is going to hurt but you need to remember that it is going to be so worth all of the hard work that you are going to put in. The following workouts are going to help to make you faster and stronger on your bicycle, even in just as short of time as 30 days.


This is most likely something that you are not going to want to hear about but this is a workout that is definitely going to work. By doing the following intervals, your workout efforts are going to offer you a big fitness return for a very small time investment that is involved in doing the intervals. Even if you do a 20- to 30-second micro-interval, it is going to help you in order to increase V02 max, burn fat and improve your endurance. If you want to get faster quick on your bicycle, try putting the following intervals into you workout regimen along with taking endurance supplements for cyclist. It is very possible that in just 2 weeks of interval training it can enhance your bicycle performance. The following intervals should be added to your bicycle riding up 2 times per week. When you complete the intervals, it is very important that you make sure to warm up with easy pedaling for at least 15 minutes and make sure to cool down as needed.

Flying 40s to Enhance Muscular Endurance
  • Set your bike to medium to large gear
  • Push hard for 40 seconds
  • Recover 20 seconds
  • Repeat 10 times, which makes 1 set
  • Do up to 4 sets, resting 5 minutes between sets

10-Speeds to Improve Pedaling Efficiency
  • Pedal as hard as you can for 10 seconds in a gear you can push 90 to 110 rpm with effort
  • Spin easy for 20 seconds
  • Repeat for 10 to 15 minutes
  • Rest 5 minutes
  • Repeat

Hill Charges to Climb Stronger
  • On a moderate incline, stand out of the saddle and charge up the hill as fast as possible for 30 seconds
  • Coast back to your starting point
  • Repeat being seated
  • Alternate between standing and sitting for 6 climbs
  • Recover 10 minutes
  • Do 1 more set

Tabata Intervals to Build Power
  • Sprint as hard as possible for 20 seconds
  • Coast for 10 seconds
  • Repeat 6 to 8 times

Attack Intervals to Increase Your Threshold
  • Ride as hard as you can for 2 to 3 minutes (you will be flagging by the end).
  • Recover at an easy pace for 2 minutes
  • Do up to 3 sets

Source: Click Here.